About Audrey

Hi there!

I’m Audrey, founder of The Write Phrase Creative LLC, a professional copywriting and content creation company that helps female entrepreneurs succeed by creating copy and content that sells. I have a calling to help others and feel especially drawn to helping women in business, being one myself. I know just how difficult it can be without the right people in your corner.

Okay, okay… I know you’re probably thinking, “That’s cool… but what does that mean for ME??”

With over a decade of experience in the financial industry, I’ve learned how to effectively communicate in a way that connects with customers and inspires them to take action. As a copywriter, I’ve been able to hone those skills in order to create compelling copy that hooks your target audience and gives your business the boost it needs.

In short, that means I hone your content and copy so that it reaches your target audience and lands you more sales, all while ensuring that you and your brand voice are front and center in your messaging.

At the Write Phrase Creative LLC, I focus on creating content and copy that you LOOOOVE because it sounds and feels like you, excites your audience, and sells! I don’t outsource, so you always know who you’re working with. I take the time to get to know you, your brand voice, your target audience, and your goals so that your new copy works for you, not against you.

About Me for Website (1)

The Journey...

  • My obsession with words started in the 1st grade. Yep, that’s right… 1st grade. Mrs. Meloy, my teacher at the time, told my parents during a parent-teacher conference that I’d grow up to be a writer. I’ve never forgotten it.
  • In 2nd grade, a group of students at my school worked together to write and publish a story called “We R Moving.” It was a story about an alien family moving to Earth. I’ve got a picture around here somewhere of me working on it… crooked bangs and all.
  • In 4th grade, I wrote a short story about my dog who loved to eat bubbles and my school entered it into a competition. I got to “compete” at the state level and was super excited. Not sure what happened after that, but I’m just going to assume I didn’t win. 😉
  • In high school I started and abandoned a novel I was hand writing about a changeling. I adore fantasy to this day with my most recent obsession being the ACOTAR series (have you read it???). I guess I’ve always had a thing for the Fae.
  • I took a creative writing course in college and had fun writing in different styles. I learned a lot and reminded myself that I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to poetry. I’m a prose girl through and through. I mean… sometimes a red door is just a red door, okay?
  • When I started to get burnt out with my banking career, I did what any sane person would do and started a blog all with the idea that I would get rich in 6 months. Oh, poor naive me. Don’t get me wrong, some people definitely can and do build successful and booming blogs, but that wasn’t me. It also didn’t help that I had no idea what I was doing at the time.
  • But, here I am now! I’ve been in the freelance copywriting world for a few years now and have had the privilege of working with some AMAZING female entrepreneurs just like you. I’ve been able to help elevate their businesses with website copy, social media copy, email copy, content creation… You name it. And I’ve loved every second of it!